Is the contractor properly insured?
If the contractor is not properly insured, you face the risk of having to insure a potential accident.
When you reached out to the contractor, did you get a company representative?
A personal response assures that you receive the attention you desire now and in the future.
Are there testimonials?
Existing customer reviews will help you determine the contractor’s ability to perform.
Did you receive a written estimate?
The scope of work should be clearly defined including areas to be finished, type of material, number of coats, and special surface preparation.
Is the job to be paid for only after substantial completion?
When a contractor requests significant payment before work is finished, it is usually a sign of insufficient credit or under capitalization. Either or both could lead to problems.
Are quality paints and supplies going to be used?
The use of quality paint products from well established companies can be just as important as quality craftspeople performing quality work.
Does the contractor offer a warranty on material and workmanship?
When a contractor offers a warranty, you know that they believe in their work and will be around to back it up over time.